Artista: Stormlord
Album: Supreme Art Of War
Año: 1999
Genero: Black Metal / Death Metal
1. Where My Spirit Forever Shall Be
2. A Descend Into The Kingdom Of The Shades
3. Sir Lorial
4. Age Of The Dragon
5. War (The Supreme Art)
6. Immortal Heroes
7. Of Steel And Ancient Might
8. Bonus
Album: Supreme Art Of War
Año: 1999
Genero: Black Metal / Death Metal
1. Where My Spirit Forever Shall Be
2. A Descend Into The Kingdom Of The Shades
3. Sir Lorial
4. Age Of The Dragon
5. War (The Supreme Art)
6. Immortal Heroes
7. Of Steel And Ancient Might
8. Bonus
muchas gracias por tu aporte saludos...!!!